Friday, September 9, 2011

"Dangerous Minds"

* Maybe this time a psychopath is next to you ... I do not know *
I like this book because it describes psychopaths as they can be cold, calculating, ruthless, unscrupulous and may not feel guilt or remorse. It describes how they can use their charm and intelligence to impress and seduce people who cross their path.
I find it interesting how the imbalances in their behavior is not detected at first glance. they don't seem crazy or violent, in contrast they are good politicians, friends, parents and so on. Most of the times they do not raise any suspicion about their true identity.

To know how these perverse minds work is the best way to protect ourselves from the devastating effects they can have on 
our lives.
It's great to understand that "the power or the mind is more powerful than physical force."

I recommend this book because it is very interesting, very well explained and is a 
different interesting genre  !

Author: Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva

Gender:clinical (diagnostic criteria of antisocial personality disorder)
Written by: Adriana Herrera


  1. i think this book is cool because you know about personalities and learn more about the mind

  2. Jiménez Sánchez José EduardoSeptember 14, 2011 at 10:53 PM

    Unfortunately I have not read this book but I found very interesting because I saw a movie that is very similar to the history of this book is called pathology and is the same, intelligent people with dangerous minds, so I recommend the movie.

  3. Good book, I've never read anything of this genre, but I like it! Lend me, please!!

    Isabel Sarabia Rodarte

  4. this book is impacting i like you summary...
